Day 6, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron / Nyctanassa violacea

Day 6, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron / Nyctanassa violacea

Day 6, Purple Martin / Progne subis

Day 6, Red-eared Slider

Day 6, Valley Nature Centre, Texas

Day 6, Purple Martin / Progne subis

Day 6, Purple Martin nest 'gourds'

Day 6, Yellow-crowned Night-Herons

Day 6, Texas Tortoise / Gopherus berlandieri

Day 6, Purple Martin / Progne subis

Day 6, Purple Martin / Progne subis

Day 6, Texas Tortoise / Gopherus berlandieri

IMG_0802e - Really Red!

IMG_0789e - Spring Is In The Air

Juan De Dios Mora lecture

IMG_0807e - Yellow & Unique

Day 6, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron / Nyctanassa violacea

IMG_0820e - Blue Beauties!

Day 6, Bougainvillea

Day 6, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Day 6, Texas Tortoise / Gopherus berlandieri

Tropical buckeye (Junonia coenia)

American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis) dorsal

Sky on Fire

from the point where i stand, the world is beautiful!

Soldier - Danaus eresimus montezuma

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center


Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

American Pipit ( Anthus rubescens)

Sunrise at home

Horace Duskywing 5-24-15 Valley Nature Center, Weslaco Texas

Edinburg Scenic Wetlands & World Birding Center

Sunrise in Edinburg

Red Admiral ~ (Vanessa atalanta)