KCS IMXSH 27, Mauriceville, TX

KCS GKCMX 22, Maruiceville, TX

KCS 2GBVKC 06, Lemonville, TX

from @tvlsquad_mo - @stephang996_tvl do the damn thing #docpheelgood_tvl #marlow_tvlsquad #tvlarmy #tvlnation #tvlsquad #tvldoublebarrelgiveaway #tvltakeover #eastcoastvapers #westcoastvapors #vapor #vaporgram #cloudchaser #vapenation #vapecommunity #va

King Snake Hiding

KCS XWLRSH 13, Lemonville, TX


Sliding into first

2012 road trip

Does anyone want Als creamy peach?

While we went in to pay a guy put out of order on 93 octane. Gotta find a different gas station.

Chevy for sale

Camera Roll-460

Camera Roll-459

Seeing my sister graduate was a highlight of my weekend. So was Sam. #corgi


The stars at night..

My sweet little daughter and niece at Pappadeaux's. #pappadeaux