Trinidad, Colorado Gargoyles

Fisher's Peak and Eagle Rock: Trinidad, Colorado (CO)


Scenery on I-25 near Raton Pass, Colorado

The sun is headed behind the...

The Drive back

A view that never gets old...


Courthouse Liberty

Simpson's Rest View



Time to clean the windscreen!!

Clouds and Rain

Sangre De Cristo

Mountains of Coal, Cokedale, Colorado

Fishers Peak: Trinidad Lake State Park, Colorado (CO)

Historic Coke Ovens, Cokedale, Colorado

Evening, east of Trinidad

Ranch, 04/1972.

Trinidad, Colorado_Panorama

Mountain south of Trinadad

Moon over forest, 05/1972.

What a climb.

Forest road near West Dolores River, 05/1972.

January Sunset

A City in the Clouds (Hipstamatic Contest Entry)

Climbing up Santa Fe trail

Rocky Mountain National Park - Colorado 2015

Western Clouds

Crossing County Road 20.8