Rain Passing ByIMG_1665

A Fence

Kansas Wheat

Kansas Wheat

Dollar General

is reminiscing on her ball spotting domain! #SevenForeva

"The best tour I've had all day!" Said one satisfied customer at the Clay Center John Deere Opening. #claycenterks

is on the road again. #RoadTrip2K15 #Beastie

loves it when her brother pays for her dinner!

Mother's Day 2015

I am so tired!

Jordy, it is not break time

Reece and Ryan

Second Year Bucket Calves

Selfies with Jordy

Dad and the combines

In the Hay

is YES!!!

Clay Center-53

Clay Center-52

road trip 2014

has Meat by Marcus. #ChompChompChaChewyChomp

has a Manicure by Momma.

is Go Chiefs!

"You DID get it for me! You DO love me!" #MerryChristmas