Out of One's Comfort Zone - Where the Magic Happens

Le Relais

Knowlton, Québec

View from top of Knowlton trail

Pleasures of Diversity

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 front view

Digital Transfusion

Ski Bromont

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 cockpit (high view)

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 lower panel view (parking brake)

Mill Pond

Tempête en Estrie - 2007

Paruline hochequeue_070A0217v2

close up

SOTA VE2_ES-016 Mont Foster 2017-03-05 23

heading back

Lac Brome - Dusk

The View 2

Morning view

The view

View from the top...

Etang Sally, Cantons de l'Est. Québec

Cows in pasture

Heart Shaped Lake | Québec

Fall in Québec

Couleurs automnales - Colores otoñales - Fall colours

Soleil en décembre/Sun in December/Sol en diciembre

Autumn in the Country

Visiting Bolton

Horses in the field

Allan Watts' Flow


Lac Brome

Rivière, toujours/The river, always/Elvan, fortfarande

Back in business, and reflected

Dam in Knowlton, Qc

Le pommier solitaire

Bienvenue à la maison/Welcome home/Välkommen hemma

Petite cascade du mont-Écho. sutton Québec.

Farm in Iron Hill, Qc

Grande chute