Knowlton, Québec

Ski Bromont

Le Relais

Digital Transfusion

Tempête en Estrie - 2007

View from the top...

Mill Pond

Out of One's Comfort Zone - Where the Magic Happens

heading back

I can definitely get used to this view!

The View 2

The view

Lac Brome - Dusk

close up

Ski Bromont

Main Cabin Window View

Magical views like this always reawaken my love for riding.

Morning view


Allan Watts' Flow

Bon voyage/Farewell/Feliz viaje

Soleil en décembre/Sun in December/Sol en diciembre

Le cycle des saisons/The cycle of seasons/El ciclo de las estaciones

Lac Brome

Meilleurs voeux/Best wishes/Mejores deseos

... for a Sunday Afternoon ~ A Whiter Shade of Pale !!!

Ice hockey on the lake

L'hiver en blanc et bleu/Winter in white and blue/Invierno en blanco y azul

Soir au lac

Une pause/A pause/Una pausa

A scene not to be repeated this year

Photo 160 031

Lever de soleil

Horses in the field

Winter in Knowlton

Lever de soleil

Lever de soleil

Lever de soleil