Out of One's Comfort Zone - Where the Magic Happens

Knowlton, Québec

View from top of Knowlton trail

Le Relais

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 front view

2560x1600 YakAttack!

1920x1080 planeur-glider

Digital Transfusion

2560x1600 planeur-glider

1024x768 planeur-glider

1280x1024 planeur-glider

1024x768 YakAttack!

Ski Bromont

1280x1024 Yak Attack!

Domaine Tomali-Maniatyn, B&B lightens up for a cloudy night

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 cockpit (high view)

Foliage in Sutton - fall 2011

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 lower panel view (parking brake)

Side view of the intricate roof-lace of Domaine Tomali-Maniatyn

View from the veranda

Pleasures of Diversity

Lac Brome

Rivière, toujours/The river, always/Elvan, fortfarande

Le pommier solitaire

Dernière tempête de 2018.

Cows in pasture

Farm in Iron Hill, Qc

Petite cascade du mont-Écho. sutton Québec.

Grande chute

Heart Shaped Lake | Québec

... for a Sunday Afternoon ~ A Whiter Shade of Pale !!!

Petite chute

Fall in Québec

Lumière dans le sous-bois.

winter sunlight reflection effect at dusk #2

Dam in Knowlton, Qc

Lumière dans la cascade

Sous-bois du Mont-Écho

Landscape in West Brome

Couleurs automnales - Colores otoñales - Fall colours

winter sunlight reflection effect at dusk