Ancient Sentinel Lookout

Rocky Mountain High

Enjoying Fall in the Cripple Creek Valley

Mueller State Park: Montane Grassland to Ponderosa Pine

Dome Rock State Wildlife Area

2010 Perseid Meteor Shower Composite

Bursting Through the Riparian on Fourmile Creek

Pike's Peak Monsoonal Flow

Water falling from the sky

Picture from Dome Rock State Wildlife Area

Montane Grasslands of Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

Higher than the Highest

B-Lazy-M Ranch

B-Lazy-M Ranch

B-Lazy-M Ranch

Picture from Dome Rock State Wildlife Area

B-Lazy-M Ranch

Mueller State Park, Camping, Aug 2002

B-Lazy-M Ranch

Mueller State Park

Camping - Mueller

Pikes Peak Granite Dome

Eleven mile canyon

A hard earned echo

Cripple Creek, Colorado - Scenic Overlook

Adeline Hornbek Homestead

Aspin Trail

Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Mine from Pount Pisgah Cemetery

Colorado Fall ~ 2013


An Uncertain Future

Mueller State Park


Horsethief Falls Trail

Autumn's Headwaters