School Bus Stop

Brickworks Quarry, Glenthompson

distant mountains

Great Victorian Bike Ride 2016

BL26 leads the mineral sands train through the former goods yard and station at Glenthompson, Vic.

Mineral Sands Train heads away from Glenthompson

Glenthompson ,Victoria 3293 . April 2017

1989 Toyota XAJ119 , Glenthompson 2/4/17

Early bird catches the worm, 7741V Portland to Dimboola empty grain with BL30, 8170 & 8178.

Early bird catches the worm, 7741V Portland to Dimboola empty grain with BL30, 8170 & 8178.

Exiting the loop road at Glenthompson.

Taking the loop road at Glenthompson, Vic

Heading south out of Glenthompson destined for Hamilton with the Iluka Mineral Sands train.

Glenthompson , brickworks pit . Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson ,Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson , old station -Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson ,Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson , brickworks - Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson , brickworks - Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson ,brickworks -Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson ,Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson ,Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson , old station site - Victoria 3293 . April 2017

Glenthompson , brickworks pit - Victoria 3293 . April 2017