New garage, old soda machine

Coliseum greeter

West Face of Absalom and Lucretia Digman's Monument.

Side view

Distance view of Funderburk Cemetery

West Face of Absalom and Lucretia Digman's Monument.

Absalom Digman and Lucretia Digman - braod view

Entrance of Funderburk Cemetery

Entrance of Funderburk Cemetery

the early morning sky

Getting ready to do the All Ski... #HolidayShoresSkiClub

Hay Field

Welcome to the Holiday Shores Yacht Club!

THE fosterburg barrel in the distance

MX Bike 5-19-130482

MX Bike 5-19-130481

the fire hydrant

fosterburg field7

fosterburg field6

Tims Practice Cookout_21

Tims Practice Cookout_22

the chair

the trail


the tree

fosterburg woods1