Tiny Farm On Historic U.S. Route 66

West Face of Absalom and Lucretia Digman's Monument.

Distance view of Funderburk Cemetery

West Face of Absalom and Lucretia Digman's Monument.

Absalom Digman and Lucretia Digman - braod view

Entrance of Funderburk Cemetery

Entrance of Funderburk Cemetery

View from the front yard.

IT crosses IT in Worden, IL

Little Farm on Historic U.S. Route 66/Illinois 157

Side view

The Orchard

Mills Apple Farm

Abandoned Nike Missile Site SL-10

Sunset perspective

NKP 765 farewell shot

NS 240

Miniature 32Q 06

Getting ready to do the All Ski... #HolidayShoresSkiClub

Illinois countryside

Gorgeous sunset

Houses encroaching on the wheat fields

water 1

Edwardsville, IL

Flower - Front Landscaping

Fall color


Welcome to the Holiday Shores Yacht Club!

Silver Creek

End of the Line?

Just. Reminder what July could be like. #staycool????
