Birds Eye View

view from gravity hill

pinhole oaks

Vineyards surrounding Jack London State Historic Park

Jack London State Historic Park

North of St. Helena #3

Jack London State Historic Park

Vineyards surrounding Jack London State Historic Park

Pig Palace at Jack London State Historic Park

Windmill - Jack London State Historic Park

Watch Your Step

View from sattui's castle

Ready for Winter!

Focus on Structures and Architecture at Jack London State Historic Park

Cardinal Meadowhawk "Sympetrum illotum"

A Lone Tree

Shady Trail - Jack London State Park

Late Afternoon in the Laguna de Santa Rosa

Sonoma Wine Country Vineyards

view from Gravity Hill this morning

Look clOse! There is more to this image than meets the "Nebuleye!" This is a repost with the details boosted for small format. Still recommend view on a larger screen on #statigram

Mustard Country

Enough Wine to Fill a Moat

Clouds and Oaks

Harvest End

Wine country garden

Morning Light

more green-and-fog, from this morning's commute

sonoma mtn

Mustard Row

hill and sky

looking back up at Sonoma Mtn

vineyard geometry

Ominous Sky

The air up there

Western Pond Turtle "Actinemys marmorata"

Napa Red

roadside grass