View on windows - Vision de fenêtres

Chapel - Chapelle

Achillée Moonshine Yarrow

Lupins,Mazdaspeed,Grande Anse

CPAC Scenery

View on Maisonnette - Vue sur Maisonnette

DSC_1767-Tonight`s sunset.Au crépuscule.

Grande-Anse Church


Acadien Village / Le Village Historique Acadien

CPAC Winding Trail

DSCN4119-Fall reflection.

Chaleur Bay, Maisonnette, New Brunswick, Canada #shutterbugging #summer #roadtrip #explorecanada #ocanada

CPAC Forest

CPAC Fading Fog

Rivière du Nord, Bertrand - Village historique acadien

DSC_0850-Ice formations-Image 1 of 3

CPAC Into the Woods

Horizontal Beach

DSC_9679- End of a beautiful fall day.

Think I just saw a wood fairy going in...

Bruant familier / Chipping Sparrow

Not the best photo but...

Village Historique Acadien

Quai de Grande-Anse,N.B., Grande-Anse wharf, N.B.