Halloween orange

Malaysian Serama

Hilltop Barn

Green man

Modern Game Bantam

Pomeroy, OH 5

View from the Sun Toward the Planets


Weathered Ohio Barn

Views like this makes #exercise a little easier. #healthy #run #walk #justdoit

Tonight's #sunset

Rolled up Hay in the fall on Angel Ridge

Foggy Field

Sitting here waiting for my oil to be changed and drinking my coffee...

An Athens Ohio winter landscape

Leading Creek Water Trail

Evening walk with Daddy

Pomeroy-Mason Bridge

Daddy and I are having a cup of coffee and watching the river flow by.

Pomeroy, Ohio

MPB 35-53-03, Meigs County, Ohio

MPB 35-53-02, Meigs County, Ohio

MPB 35-53-02, Meigs County, Ohio

MPB 35-53-01, Meigs County, Ohio

Ohio River Traffic

MPB 35-53-03, Meigs County, Ohio

Aunt Velma's backyard

Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Pomeroy, Ohio

MPB 35-53-03, Meigs County, Ohio

Pomeroy, Ohio 3