Mount Rushmore reproduction

Bronze Mount Rushmore 01

Ancient Egyptian Coffin

Bronze reproduction of Mount Rushmore

Looking North from the Missouri River Scenic Overview

The west staircase at the Shrine to Music

Lunch menu #18

Livery Stable (rear view) - Vermillion, SD

Here we go!

Bluff View Cemetery Chapel

Another view of the northeast corner

View from the shed

And a second view

View from the shed

The primer coat is on!

Lime Grove, Nebraska

Cosmo flower @ my friends home

Gray Day

Morning on the Missouri River #2

Missouri River Scenic Overlook

Nebraska State Highway 12 (Maskell, Nebraska)

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

University Historic District, Vermillion

Missouri River at Vermillion, SD

missouri river

Without the sidewalk 2

Without the sidewalk