Beetle Rock view, Sequoia National Park.

Transit of Venus Take 1

Roof view at the Visalia library

does farmersville really need this??

Valley Sunset

Roof view, Visalia library

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woodlake sounds interesting

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Mini Family Reunion Cat Nap

water for irrigation

kaweah delta construction

ValleyEx (297)

ValleyEx (287)

juicy wine grapes

railroad mural

ValleyEx (272)

Boggess Backdoor. Top Level

ValleyEx (162)

in Salem

#superfiltered swirlies and soft straight lines.

Golden Yellow

Sentinel has Yami's back...

Vintage; All The Cool Kids Are Doin' It

Red Sky

Hello Mr.Bumble Bee

*День пятнадцатый. 4566 км. Пять часов по серпантину без навигатора, чтобы вернуться туда, откуда начали, но уже с пустым баком. А что, зато виды красивые

Small Mountains

The original

Downtown Visalia

Cooled Down

Grassy plains

At the top of the Hump Trail in Sequoia National Park

General Sherman, largest living thing on Earth (taken from the upper trail). Photos don't do it justice. See that tiny insignificant human standing near its base? Yeah.

Plaza Park, Visalia

2013-08-05 15.01.20

Plaza Park, Visalia

My photo landscape