Conrail #6418 Waterloo, Indiana

CSX BQ23-7 #3008 Garrett #2

Trolley Car at Waterloo, Indiana, close-up section 1

CSX #2116 Garrett, Indiana #2

Randolph Street looking south, Garrett, Indiana

Trolley Car at Waterloo, Indiana, close-up section 2

Hoosier Alamo

Trolley Car at Waterloo, Indiana

The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum

NREX #2723 Garrett, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

K. of P. Hall and interurban station, Auburn, Indiana

CSX #4328 Altona, Illinois #2

DeKalb County Court House, Auburn, Indiana

Interurban station and trolley car, Waterloo, Indiana, close-up section

Randolph Street looking south, Garrett, Indiana, close-up section

Beyer Brothers, Waterloo, Indiana

CSX #4342 Altona, Indiana

Zimmerman Manufacturing Co., Auburn, Indiana

Interurban station and trolley car, Waterloo, Indiana

Fall in Indiana

Not Quite Savannah...

NS 1065 - Butler, IN

Pleasant Sunset

Bridge Reflection (10-5) (1 of 1)

2013-10-26 14.09.17

And when the way was clear...

Indiana sunset



...Or Atlanta!

ACRES Bicentennial Woods Preserve(4)

Former ROW, near Garrett IN


Bicentennial Woods, ACRES Nature Preserve(19)

Fireside Campground

Sunrise - Indiana Countryside

Meramec Caverns Barn, Kendallville, IN

Vandolah Nature Preserve-ACRES(1)

8. Middle America

Library Park, Auburn, Indiana (before library expansion)