West side of Broadway Street, Butler, Indiana, section 1

K. of P. Hall and interurban station, Auburn, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

DeKalb County Court House, Auburn, Indiana

Zimmerman Manufacturing Co., Auburn, Indiana

Zimmerman Mfg. Co., Auburn, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Auburn State Bank, Auburn, Indiana

Swineford House, Auburn, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Interurban Bridge between Garrett and Auburn, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

West side of Broadway Street, Butler, Indiana, section 4

New City Hall, Auburn, Indiana

South Broadway, Butler, Indiana

Posing on a McIntyre truck, Auburn, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Schaab Department Store, Auburn, Indiana

High School, Auburn, Indiana

Fall in Indiana


Not Quite Savannah...

NS L96 - Grabill, Indiana

NS 1065 - Butler, IN

A better shot of the Earth umbra rising over the Ohio clouds at sunset.

Pleasant Sunset

Bridge Reflection (10-5) (1 of 1)

Wetlands, St Joe IN

2013-10-26 14.09.17

Indiana sunset


Storm Clouds, St Joe IN

...Or Atlanta!

Fireside Campground

Harlan Days (2001)

8. Middle America

Harlan Days (2001)

Harlan Days (2001)

Library Park, Auburn, Indiana (before library expansion)

Cemetery at St. Joe Indiana