Broadway north from the railroad, Butler, Indiana, section 2

The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum

C. B. St. Clair sewing machine demonstration, Butler, Indiana

Lake Shore Depot, Butler, Indiana

Broadway north from the railroad, Butler, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

North Broadway looking north, Butler, Indiana

K. of P. Hall and interurban station, Auburn, Indiana

Sewer Construction on North Broadway, Butler, Indiana

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Making Tracks

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

CSX Q209. June 5, 2014

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

Pedal car collection from NATMUS

West side of Broadway Street, Butler, Indiana

West side of Broadway Street, Butler, Indiana, section 3

West side of Broadway Street, Butler, Indiana, section 4

West side of Broadway Street, Butler, Indiana, section 1

New City Hall, Auburn, Indiana

Not Quite Savannah...

...Or Atlanta!

Detroit Bound

Fall in Indiana

NS L96 - Grabill, Indiana

NS 1065 - Butler, IN

A better shot of the Earth umbra rising over the Ohio clouds at sunset.

Bridge Reflection (10-5) (1 of 1)

Wetlands, St Joe IN

2013-10-26 14.09.17


Storm Clouds, St Joe IN

Harlan Days (2001)

8. Middle America

Harlan Days (2001)

Harlan Days (2001)

Cemetery at St. Joe Indiana
