Snow on the ground, Auburn, Placer County, California

Trumpeter Swans--Cygnus buccinator

Trumpeter Swans--Cygnus buccinator

Grotto of the Falls

1999 06-03 1007-1 UP SD40-2-3795 W/B Newcastle, CA

Historic Auburn HDR 4115

Clementine Dam - California

Clementine Dam - California

Clementine Dam - California

American River - Forest Hill, CA

Fox Sparrow

Full Sized Moon and Story 6479

Summer Insanity 2737

The Old Bayley House 2674

Ivy Motel - Auburn, California

IMG_2729 Inside the 1928 Ford Tri-motor

Aerial Views - Clouds above Auburn

North Fork American River

North Fork of American River

Clementine Dam - California

Day 932: Auburn_9446d

40 Acres and a Mule

Down on the Farm

Red-shouldered Hawk (immature)--Buteo lineatus

No Hands Bridge

No Hands Bridge

Foresthill Bridge

Hidden Falls Regional Park 2016

Lake Clementine Dam

Clementine Dam - California


Hidden Falls


After the storm

Hidden Falls, Auburn, CA

Spring in California

Hidden Falls

California Smoke

Hidden Falls Regional Park 2016

Hidden Falls