graceful dahlia petals

fragrant pinwheel

spoon-petaled daisy

spider lying in wait

fire & rain

abstract Strelitzia

Shall we dance?

ants in paradise

inverted garden (explored)

coral tree bloom

sunflower & morning visitor

raindrops on roses

birth of a poppy

Yobsters Livingston

Lemon meringue

a light in the heart

Deck view (explore)


vivid rose bathing in morning showers

tree mallow

sunshine poppy

Late Afternoon Palm Tree Landing

Last Light

end of the day

Last Surf Of The Day

Fall Weather, 2012

Manhattan beach

Pacific Dreams

Stadium landscaping

El Porto looking south

Cooling Off

Palos Verdes Beach, CA

The Edge

Rocky Respite

Redondo Beach Sunset 2014

A Beautiful Day at Bluff Cove

Beautiful Decomposition

Sun Behind Santa Monica Mtns., Torrance Beach, CA

El Segundo Beach

El Porto Sunset - 2

burned in my memory

What's left of a wildfire. While driving to a sunrise location in Bryce NP, I came across this forest of flagpoles. #Bryce #forest #sunrise