St. Boniface

iPhone shot

Free Parking

In the Weeds

Along the Kingfisher Trail

Donnell Ridge Sunset

Lending a Hand

Another rainy morning...

Sunset at Arkansas River Valley

The Stars At Night Are Big And Bright

Admiring the View

What is that in the rear view mirror?

Pinnacle Mountain

It's a Rocky Path to the Top

St. Boniface

Shinall Mountain Lone Tree @ Sunset

The view of Pinnacle Mountain from my kayak. #kayak #littlerock #instagramarkansas #arkansaslife

the other summit

Pinnacle Mountain Panorama

First great view on the trail, Pinnacle Mountain State Park

Climbing Dude

Pinnacle Mountain

Fall at Flatside Wilderness

Little Maumelle River

The Creek at Pinnacle

First Light on the Pond

Originality ecsapes me...

"Snow on one side of the canvas, silence on the other. I’d call that a perfect painting.” - Jarod Kintz

AM Slow Golden Light

you can't make a mountain straight

Sunrise at Pinnacle

Good morning Arkansas

pinnacle mountain


Walk On

This is what a 90-percent chance of storms looks like, apparently. I'll take it.

hidden gem

#sunrise on my #commute to #work this #morning #lake #Maumelle #igersarkansas #arkansas

#pinnaclemountain #ar #arkansas #littlerock