Lending a Hand

I See You !

In the Weeds

Pinnacle Mountain

Rusting Away in the Automobile Graveyard

330/365 - The view from down under

It's a Rocky Path to the Top

Pinnacle Bridge001

The view of Pinnacle Mountain from my kayak. #kayak #littlerock #instagramarkansas #arkansaslife

Climbing Dude

Day 005 - Eye

Basking in the Sun

Shinall Mountain Lone Tree @ Sunset

Sunset at Arkansas River Valley

Along the Kingfisher Trail

Curls on Top of the World

Day 145 - Bouncy

The Fam on Top

the other summit

the road less traveled

Beginning the Return

First Light on the Pond

Lichen on rock. Rattlesnake Ridge. Little Rock, Arkansas.

Sunset from Pinnacle

Brushy Creek in Black and White

Fall colors. Sleepy Hollow Park.

2rivers sunrise

Pinnacle Moutain from Rattlesnake Ridge

Pinnacle Moutain from William Kirsch Preserve

Maumelle River. Little Rock.

Equisetum hyemale

Pinnacle Moutain from William Kirsch Preserve

Rattlesnake Ridge. Little Rock, Arkansas.

"Snow on one side of the canvas, silence on the other. I’d call that a perfect painting.” - Jarod Kintz

iPhone shot

Originality ecsapes me...

#sunrise on my #commute to #work this #morning #lake #Maumelle #igersarkansas #arkansas

pinnacle mountain

Sunset over Arkansas River

Good morning Arkansas

Sleepy Hollow Park

Walk On