Days Inn and Tasty World Restaurant - Hahira, Georgia

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Lesser Scaup

Black Scoter

Black Scoter

Year 6~Day 58 +30/366 AND Day 1884: LIR: Cook County Museum and Library Tour & Dutch Treat Lunch at Day's Diner


This is usually what I see when driving on South Georgia highways <3

Norfolk Southern Lehigh Valley Heritage 8104

Okapilco Creek - Hempstead Church Rd. (Brooks Co.)

Okapilco Creek - Hempstead Church Rd. (Brooks Co.)

House Building 531

Okapilco Creek - Hempstead Church Rd. (Brooks Co.)

Webb-Miller (Hahira)

Looking East across Reed Bingham State Park dam

Forest Pond

House Building 567

Little River Trail

Okapilco Creek - Hempstead Church Rd. (Brooks Co.)

Okapilco Creek - Hempstead Church Rd. (Brooks Co.)

green forest

Wet trail

Cinnamon Fern


Reed Bingham State Park Beach

forest land

The significance of this is there are gopher tortoise burrows out there. One gopher is just a juvenile. Reed Bingham State Park, Georgia