Outta the fog, Into the Light

Penrose Point

Winding down

Mt Rainier from Penrose Point Pano

Moonrise over the lake. I'll certainly miss these views, but I'm excited to move to our new home in 2 days.


Cracked View

Nice view

Camelopardalid Meteor

Olympic Mountains

Getting off of the trail to view the lake

Awesome views of Rainier

2010 Amanitas Muscaria taken from an ant's point of view

11032013 092a Willet (Western) - Tringa Semipalmata

Sun Going Down Behind Olympics

11032013 089a gull scouting

11032013 075a Bonaparte's Gull - Chroicocephalus philadelphia with Willet

A Harstene Island View of The Mountain

11032013 060a Willet (Western) - Tringa Semipalmata

view from the cabin

Mount Rainier

Wetland Woods

Vanishing shadows...

Snow covers the wetland


Setting on relaxing times...

The lake is full

Nikon D7000 & Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8

Too heavy

Foggy morning on the island

Nikon D7000 Sunset Tokina 11-16mm Wide Angle


Morning Fogscape

The 5th flood of the 2016/17 rainy season

Horseshoe lake HDR1

Soft Water

Kopachuck State Park
