Mississippi River (Thebes, Illinois)

Mississippi River View from Old Thebes Courthouse

View From Thebes Courthouse

View from Thebes Courthouse #2

Downstream View, Bumgard Island at Sunrise

Cypress Trees - Horseshoe Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area

Sexy Boy

Sunlight, Trees, Hotrod car, and a curvy road

Tamms, IL

The Mighty Mississippi

Tour de Shawnee

Bedding Scribbles

Towboat on the Mississippi

Dry and frozen forest/Floresta seca e congelada

Sand Prairie Grass

Sunrise over Bumgard Island


Widow Skimmer

Widow Skimmer

Golden Aster

Sexton Creek Wetlands


Tree Cricket on Golden Aster

Wild Garlic


Cargil Elevator Downstream Beyond Bumgard Island