Tour de Schlössle II

Monrepos Seacastle

Split by the sun


Chinese Sun

Chinese Garden (revisit)

Feeling small

Extreme Tree Shadow on Green

Eight Boats


Endless Winter (b&w)

uphill struggle

It's just green, but I like it

Fisch bitte - fish please! ON EXPLORE 2014-06-17 #29 (154 )

No Photos, please! :)

Hall of Fame - Ludwigsburg, Germany (HDR)

Black Squirrel

Blue Peafowl


Tour de Schlössle III

Banana Leaf Bokeh

No bread..

Chestnut-lined Avenue in Autumn

Little flower

Da Tree

Schlossgarten Stuttgart

Snake: Look into my eyes!

burning trees

'Löwentor' at night

18.10.2013 Sonnenaufgang 10

Chestnut-lined Avenue in Spring II

The biggest library in Stuttgart VIII

Back to the roots


The biggest library in Stuttgart IX

The beautiful castle Solitude in Stuttgart

Park - Stuttgart

Bahnsteig Eins, letzter Aufruf... (EXPLORED #116)

Schlehen / Prunus spinosa

Leonberg 06 July 2015-0013.jpg