The Tip-Top drive-in

Dock Boy takes a break....20050621_4096

1954 GMC 630 Truck

Saturday Morning Ride on the Spiral Hwy


Morning walk

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Short-eared Owl

Road to Perdition

Northern Saw-whet Owl

Lewiston Landscape 3

Willow Flycatcher

Lewiston Landscape 1

Lewiston Landscape 2

Splash of Color (2)

Mew Gull ? or Ring-billed Gull ?

Same Gull, Another view

Reach for the Sky

Northern Saw-whet Owl

View of Lewiston, Idaho from Lewiston Hill

Saturday Morning Ride on the Spiral Hwy

Way Off In The Distance

River Roads

Spirit of Hell's Canyon

Lewiston, Idaho - July 3, 2019: Historical marker and elevation sign at the Lewiston Hill overlook

Backed Into a Corner that Doesn't Exist (Panorama)

Lone Cow Landscape

Canyon view on Cloverland Road

View from Lewiston Hill

Lewiston's Levee Ponds

Nice Spring Day

I pledge allegiance...

L-C Valley

Epic Hairpin

Biker's Dream

Dec28,2016 DSC08356 Red-flanked Bluetail Lewiston Idaho

Lewiston, Idaho

Song Sparrow