Penobscot Narrows Bridge Observatory, Prospect, ME

History & Flags | Fort Knox State Historic Site, Prospect Maine

Rust Can Be Beautiful

Sunny Day Drive

Keeper's Access

Fort Point Lighthouse

Fort Point Lighthouse, Maine

Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory, Maine

The viewing tower

Tents & History | Fort Knox State Historic Site, Prospect Maine

Penobscot Observatory

Penobscot Narrows Observatory

Cannons & Tanker Ships | Fort Knox State Historic Site, Prospect Maine

Forts & Tanker Ships | Fort Knox State Historic Site, Prospect Maine


Fall Marsh

Penobscot Pano

Light trails

Bucksport Freighter

View Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory

Penobscot River view in Bucksport Maine

Light Station

Sand Beach, Maine

Some people say the sky is just the sky, but I say...

Sandy Point Beach

Fort Knox

Light Painting

Nelson's Sparrow - Frankfort ME 6/6/2015


Branch Lake, Maine


Penobscot River

Penobscot River


Sandy Point Beach

Bucksport, Maine

Sandy Point Beach

Penobscot Narrows

Bucksport from Fort Knox

Rural Maine