Evening Light at Garrapata

View through the tree

Sunset At The Lone Cypress At Pebble Beach

Big Sur - Garrapata Surf #2

Pebble Beach at Night

Pinnacle Rock #3 - Point Lobos, California

Ocean view from Spindrift Inn, Monterey

Fly Away

Soberanes Point Clearing Storm #2

Pacific Bliss

421. Royal Seafoods - Monterey's Fisherman Wharf 2

The State of Being Golden

Pinnacle Fury

Sky's Edge 天际

Carmel California Ocean View

She learned to love him before he thought it was even possible, so he didn't have a chance to hide & mess it up & while it was a little scary at times, mainly he could not even imagine the world without her there

Point Pinos Tsunami Gloom: Pacific Grove, California

Enticing views

Point Pinos Sunset

The Long Way Home

Angry Bird

Weston Beach Sunburst

Pacific Grove Sunset

Weston Beach Kelp at Sunset

Rocky Coastline Monterey Peninsula, California

Lone Cypress Sea and Sky

winter waves... --> press L :0)

Pacific Daybreak

Point Lobos - Pinnacle Rock #1

She Reaches Out Her Guileful Hand (Hipstamatic Contest Entry)

There Are Days

Lonely Cypress III

Surf Splash

PoLobo 03

Happy New Year

Coast of Pacific Grove, Ca

The Life....

Weston Beach Ebb Tides

Morning Light on Garrapata (Big Sur, CA)

Garrapata Waterfall