Rose's Berry Farm.

Gene Langan Volkswagen vintage post card view

Missed me by THAT much...

413 Cross Ram

Rear View Strong Porter House

manchester 8th

Rocky Hill hawk

manchester 8th

manchester 8th

Strong Porter Information

Interior of Rocky Hill foundry silo, looking up.

east hampton


Peep hole

View of Hartford Sky from Glastonbury, CT

Woodland Meadow.

'gold in the grid

Manchester, Connecticut: Globe Reservoir Waterfall, side view.

Shadow Fall

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, Connecticut

view of hartford on a dreary day from goodwin college dock in east hartford

Softly As An Evening Sunset

I Forgot...

End of the Road

Barn and Tree

Green and Yellow Glow.

Evergreen Walk (South Windsor, Connecticut)

Former Manchester Parkade (Manchester, Connecticut)

Field of Ferns

As Above So Below

Winter silhouettes.

Super Shower

Waterfall Wake-up Call

In the Spotlight

Black Silo

Salmon Brook.

Winter sun on trees