Slow Shimmer

View of Hartford Sky from Glastonbury, CT

Shadow Fall

Manchester, Connecticut: Globe Reservoir Waterfall, side view.

'gold in the grid

Green and Gold

The Watchful Hunter

Center Green, Glastonbury CT

Case Mountain Waterfall: Manchester, Connecticut. (Overflow from Case Mountain Reservoir)

Gene Langan Volkswagen vintage post card view

Bolton Park Ice Structures

Peep hole

Woodland Meadow.

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, Connecticut

Turkey tail Fungus on tree stump

Rose's Berry Farm.

Center Green and fountain, Glastonbury, Connecticut.

@silks_view #nofilter

Painted. #blueskies #views #beauty #autumn #agoodday #CTLife

#hiked up #casemountain w/ @silks_view and we made #fire ???? #nature is #healing #keepexploring #Manchester #CT #Connecticut

Plum Blossoms (View on black)

Golden Boy

Valley Falls Park

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, CT.

Green and Yellow Glow.


Softly As An Evening Sunset

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sun set


Boulders, Cotton Hollow.

As Above So Below

Salmon Brook.

204 (2)

Rocky shelf

118 (2)



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