Slow Shimmer

Woodland Meadow.

View of Hartford Sky from Glastonbury, CT

'gold in the grid

Rose's Berry Farm.

Center Green and fountain, Glastonbury, Connecticut.

Manchester, Connecticut: Globe Reservoir Waterfall, side view.

Shadow Fall

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, Connecticut

#hiked up #casemountain w/ @silks_view and we made #fire ???? #nature is #healing #keepexploring #Manchester #CT #Connecticut

Painted. #blueskies #views #beauty #autumn #agoodday #CTLife

Case Mountain Waterfall: Manchester, Connecticut. (Overflow from Case Mountain Reservoir)

Visine Needed

Center Green, Glastonbury CT

Pond collage

Gene Langan Volkswagen vintage post card view

Old Bridge II

"Amber waves of grain . . ."

Flowering Quince

Eyes of Love

Beautiful day at the TPC - view from 16th tee #travelerschampionship

In the Spotlight

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, CT.

Green and Yellow Glow.


Autumn Morning

October 3 2013

023 hsp Stitch (2)

#Beautiful day in CT#by the Connecticut River#crisp cold day#good to be back here#

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Boulders, Cotton Hollow.

As Above So Below

099 crp Stitch

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