The View From Our Front Door

View of Hartford Sky from Glastonbury, CT

Turbulent Skies, Calm Waters

Portland Brownstone Quarries- Portland CT (5)

Woodland Meadow.

'gold in the grid

Our Front Yard Flaming Maple

Rose's Berry Farm.

Shadow Fall

Manchester, Connecticut: Globe Reservoir Waterfall, side view.

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, Connecticut

Case Mountain Waterfall: Manchester, Connecticut. (Overflow from Case Mountain Reservoir)

cromwell ladder 3 (view 3)

Turkey tail Fungus on tree stump

Center Green and fountain, Glastonbury, Connecticut.

Portland Brownstone Quarries- Portland CT (3)

Portland Brownstone Quarries- Portland CT (1)

Portland Brownstone Quarries- Portland CT (6)

Gene Langan Volkswagen vintage post card view

Winter on the Connecticut River.

"Amber waves of grain . . ."

Waterfall Wake-up Call

Super Shower

I Forgot...

Lucky Number 7

In the path of whitewater

Go with the Flow

The softer side of rock at Seven Falls

In the Spray Zone

Running Through the Rocks

Softly As An Evening Sunset

In the Spotlight

Salmon Brook.

Roaring Brook

Johnson Mill Pond Sunset

Green and Yellow Glow.

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, Connecticut.

Sunset @ Glastonbury, CT