Side view

Log Cabin View

View From Camp on Chopaka Mountain

Pano Loop

View east over the Sinlahekin and Okanogan River Valleys from the Loomis State Forest

Burger 55 Visit: A view of the kitchen

Palmer Lake

salmon at Enloe Dam

Whistler Canyon trailhead of the Pacific Northwest Trail, near Oroville, Washington

Osoyoos Sunset

The Sinlahekin Valley from the Pacific Northwest Trail near Loomis State Forest, Washington

The old railroad trestle across the Similkameen River, now part of the Similkameen Trail

The Similkameen River near the old dam

The old rail bridge over the SImilkameen River near Oroville, Washington

Enloe Dam, Oroville

Down the road...

Whistler Canyon trailhead

Metal Shed at Kaaba-Texas

Out of the Mist

Ruby Mine

Perfected Notions

#palmerlake #washington #northwest

Hidden Harmonic Intentions

The Pacific Northwest Trail wraps around Palmer Lake near Nighthawk, Washington

Calmness Supreme