Runway two eight left cleared to land
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) (sp. # 167)
exchanging one for another
Common Starling / European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (adult) (sp. # 201)
Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) (sp. # 196)
Sunset across the salt pond
White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) (sp. # 186)
Vivid Whispers
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
the gatekeeper
Dreaming of a new day, cast aside the other way [Explore 2021-01-16 #31]
New Chicago Marsh - stitched panorama
Bushtit / American Bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus) (sp. # 182)
Almost got it! ~ Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
view from Pelican Trail
suburbian trails
highway 580 / 680 exchange
The Hovering Hunter
Holiday spirit in Alviso
rain and sun alternating
Racing the sunset
Garin Regional Park
Mission accomplished
Meditating mind under a tree
Sunset @ Don Edward refuges 霞光
Eagle's Domain
Vargas Plateau
a tree or two
Coyote Hills park, in Fremont California.
Lago Los Osos
Steam and Rust No1
Marsh Wren
Sunol Regional Wilderness
Dry lake bed (California's drought)
Door of opportunities :)
Poppies, Lupines and Rocks
A Reflection at Alviso