Long Walks on Short Piers

IMG_1380 Let Me Feed You, Honey.

IMG_5922 Forster's Tern Hovering, Mountain View Shoreline Park, California

Eared Grebe with just a hint of the breeding plumage

IMG_0173 Here I Come! Mountain View Shoreline Park, CA

the gatekeeper

mY first HDR

Forster's Tern (1st year)

wheels on fire

Icon - vintage series

Marbled Godwit

IMG_3569 Black-Crowned Night Heron

Common Starling / European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (adult) (sp. # 201)

IMG_8736 Snowy Egret

Geese (HSS)

My Sunrise Place

Air and water, charging on!

IMG_6205 Forster's Tern

Black-necked Stilt

IMG_8090 Snowy Egret, Mountain View Shoreline Park, CA

The best seat in the house

Shade and reflections

Even on a rainy day there are flowers

Easy way down

Benign Indifference as the World Moves On

Green Slopes

Tree in Yellow Field

Door of opportunities :)

The hills could use some water.

Yesterday afternoon stroll.

Calaveras Road

Don Edwards Preserve, Newark California

Dumbarton Pier 06.jpg

Steam and Rust No1

Sunol Spring Hillside No.01

Garin 20150227

No Name Trail

Garin 20150227

Green Pastors

Allen's Hummingbird

Alviso Blue Hour

Marsh Wren