Redwood impressions

Sunrise, Cutten, CA 11/14/06

A roof with a view

Green Deluxe I

Carson Mansion, Eureka CA

Carson Mansion

The View at the Vista Point

Black Vintage I

the view...

Green Deluxe III

Arcata Plaza

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Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)

Around Campus

Red Deluxe IV

IMG_4770_Above Arcata on Hwy 299

Evening on campus

White-faced Ibis. Arcata Bottoms--Jackson Ranch Road, 255 north to Foster., Humboldt County, California, US. 20151108-111442.15.

Arcata Scrap & Salvage

Willamette Iron and Steel Works

Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)

Powers Creek

Mill creek

Powers Creek Falls

river spirit

Mill Creek Falls

Powers Creek Falls

Sunset on Gearheart Marsh

Reflecting On the Times...

Barn Swallows Mother & Fledgling

Sunset at the Arcata Marsh

Redwoods and Ferns

Home Is Where Your Heart & Spirit Infinitely Rest

7-1-08 038

Mad River Beach sunset

Our earth - where ocean, land, and sky meet


Great Egret on Humboldt Bay

Klopp Lake Reflection

Great White Egret

RA Bids Fair Thee well

Great Egret at Sunset