Victoria - After The Fire

At The Quarry

A2 986 and N471 near Kilmore East

A2 986 near Kilmore East

Passing the XPT at the Kilmore East quarry siding

Warterford Park

Passing the XPT at the Kilmore East quarry siding

Departing Broadford

Departing Broadford

Wandong or Somewhere

Southern Classic Bikes

Victorian Historic Road Racing Titles

Michael zooming

A2 986 and N471 near Kilmore East

A2 986 and N471 near Kilmore East

A2 986 and N471 near Kilmore East

A2 986 and N471 near Kilmore East

A2 986 and N471 near Kilmore East

View looking north-east, Clonbinane

You Weren't Leading?

Farm near Mount Disappointment State Forest

Remaining as Mk3

Brand New

80th Anniversary

1BM7 at Mathiesons

S Curve X

8177, 8110, 8133 3CK6

8177, 8176, 8124 4KC6

NR62, G526, NR110 4MC2

Oh, that's rather overgrown.

Apex at Heathcote

8144, XR558, 8125 7KC6

N462 leads the Down Shepparton pass at Kilmore East

NR93, AN2, NR98 7BM4

The Whole Consist

7021-7008 'Andrew Gaze'-7006 'Andrew Cooper' 8311

Gentle Giant

C501 and C510 creep through Kilmore East passing lane for the XPT run through

G515 'Rising Fast' 9342

C501 and C510 thunder through Broadford on the C class special to Albury

Broadford State Motorcycle Complex

NR84, NR114, NR80 4MS4