Grasshopper ... Life's a bed of Roses!

Bee in Gallardia... late summer pollen gatherer...

Big Sky Country... outside Red Lodge, MT!!!

This is a couple we ran into on the Beartooth Highway - what a view!

Foothills of the Rockies under a BIG SKY... Montana, 2010

Great day full of great views

Beartooth Scenic Byway

Bedroom "view"

daylight view

Belfry, Montana 59008.

Red Lodge, Montana

Spring in Montana... big sky in black and white... 2010

Tongue out again

Field of wildflowers seen while hiking in Montana... June, 2010

Enjoying the View

Rock Creek I

Red Lodge, Montana 59068

Bearcreek, Montana 59007

Hoverfly in the flower garden... Red Lodge, MT...

Yesterday filled with smoke today filled with fresh air. Love looking up and seeing this view.

Red Lodge, Montana

Field of Gold under Montana Sky

Summer Storm, Carbon County, MT

Took a walk on the Beartooth Highway this afternoon. #JOSTICO #visitmontana #beartooth #beartoothhighway #bigsky

Rock Creek high water... upstream from bridge at Silver Run... 2010

Mountains in Montana - Beartooth Pass

At almost 11,000 ft

Beartooth Highway, MT.

More wildflowers

The Smith Mine - Montana


Beartooth Highway + My Shadow

Smith Mine, Bearcreek, MT

For John on his birthday... a great trout fishing stream in Montana, USA!

Beartooth Pass - Sunflare over a mountain

Autumn Storm

Ghost Mine


Welcome to Montana, Beartooth Highway, MT.