51 Kaiser

Dentist Office Near You

Dental Clinic in Forest Lake

Winter Barn-Colorful View-HDR

Sunset Cabin-2nd View

Loquentes Machina 1906

Classic SOO SD60s

Minnesota, Forest Lake, (former) Pure Gas Station (9,038-2)

1962 Studebaker Gran Turismo Hawk

63 Studebaker Lark

60 Studebaker Champ 3/4 Ton Pick-Up

Minnesota, Forest Lake, Pure Oil (9,038b)

64 Pontiac Bonneville

1937 Chrysler Airflow

A rich suburban schoolyard.

Infrastructure prepped and ready for a wave of mid-aughts bubble development.

Sterile and/or serene evening!

My view of the sermon today. #renovationchurch @renovationchrch

View from the deck

Dentist Office Near You

Suzuki from the top

March Morning 20190302-_DSC1424

Lone Cloud 20200331-_GKA1595

Pasture and Pond 20200330-_GKA1586

Fused Sunset

Sunrise, East Bethel Minnesota 20180807-DSC09610

Oak Savanna

Scenic Interstate 35W

Dead Skies

Multi-Color Sunset

Gratuitous Tree Sleaze

Infinite Campus

Snowy Winter Swamp

Barn and Northern Lights - Stacy, Minnesota

Minnesota morning

Falling Lake

When the sun sets you got to be there

Towards Sunset

Quiet path