
Lightning North of Wray

Horses at the lake

Hand Pump

Dimming Light of a Dream

Establishing Shot - Stalker Lake, Yuma County, CO - April 2014

Wray, CO

Establishing Shot - Stalker Lake, Yuma County, CO - May 2015

Dangerous Intersection

/Fr Barn

No Bull

Oh, What Twisted Weeds We Weave

Turn out the Lights

BNSF 1680

BNSF 5193 East

Wray, Colorado

Wray, Colorado

Wray, Colorado

EstablishingShot - Yuma County Road 45, Yuma County, CO - April 2014

Cliff Theater (Wray, Colorado)

I.O.O.F. Hall (Wray, Colorado)

Post Office 80758 (Wray, Colorado)

Old Yuma County Jail (Wray, Colorado)