The right place for viewing a sunset

Image from page 401 of "The story of the Dominion : four hundred years in the annals of half a continent ; a history of Canada from its early discovery and settlement to the present time ; embracing its growth, progress and achievements in the pursuits of

Snow Mountains

Beautiful view from Grizzly lake trail in Tombstone territorial park

Clouds in the Hills

Mountain Range

Image from page 399 of "The story of the Dominion; four hundred years in the annals of half a continent; a history of Canada from its early discovery and settlement to the present time; embracing its growth, progress and achievements in the pursuits of pe

Image from page 442 of "Klondike : the Chicago record's book for gold seekers" (1897)

Five Finger Rapids


Image from page 672 of "The Americana; a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, commerce, etc., of the world" (1908)

Yukon Palette

Alaska Highway

Campbell Highway, Yukon

12 Minutes II

Sunset above Yukon river

Snowstorm Incoming

Autumn has begun









Lake Beauty

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