Window view from our room at the Big Horn Hotel in Watson Lake

IMG_0989 (2)

Kilometre zero of the Robert Campbell Highway

The Robert Campbell Highway

View of Alaska Highway, looking east (at Nugget City)

Morning view in Jimbob’s room in Watson Lake (pic taken at 8:25am)

Early Routes

The Land

View of Alaska Highway, looking west


female Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

Downtown Watson Lake, Yukon - part 2

American pipit (Anthus rubescens rubescens)

Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)

Upper Liard

Liard River

Liard River

Liard River

Liard River Bridge

Liard River

Liard River Bridge

Upper Liard Lodge

Liard River Bridge

Freija Fritillary (Boloria freija), May 24 2015, Watson Lake YT

Brown Elfin (Callophrys augustinus), May 24 2015, Watson Lake YT

Wye Lake Loop

Wye Lake Loop

Wye Lake Loop

Wye Lake Loop

Wye Lake Loop