Fall Colors, Ukiah (Explore)

Palace Hotel in Ukiah (Explore)

Palace Hotel in Ukiah

Outside Ukiah

Racks of Wheels at Ceja Quality Tires, Ukiah

Palace Hotel in Ukiah

Pomo Basket

Palace Hotel in Ukiah

Lu-Ann Motel - Ukiah, California

101 Motel - Ukiah, California

Wine Tanks 1 in HDR

Caddi Hood Ornament 1

A view from my work..

Milano Wine Barrel Fountain in HDR

Milano Winery Hopland in HDR

City View

Valley View Trail, Cow Mountain BLM, Ukiah, CA - 20 February 2015

Rear View Window

Wine Country Barn in HDR

Northern California Tree in HDR

Caddi One 1

#HipstaConnect #PureHipstamatic #HipstaNerds

fruit of the vine

Ferns with rocks

Russian River Valley Vineyard

Lake Mendocino

The Bottom of the Lake

The Barn on the left. Barn Cove at Lake Mendocino ...

Jenner, CA, on our way to Point Arena

Mendocino College beats Yuba City 8-2

Alien Landing?

Lake Mendocino

Lake Mendocino

My own private skyline.

Vichy Springs

Quiet Sunset

Lake mendocino, beautiful frolf course.

Good morning, Hopland

#igwd #instagramwhiledriving