moon tree2 GSO, NC USA

Step closer

The Cardinal Country Club

~ Ain't My Tractor Sexy?? ~

~ Winter Fodder ~

029 Morning at the pond Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

003 Sun on the tree Brown Summit, NC USA

010 Bare tree and fence Brown Summit, NC USA

Bryan Park Golf Course

004 Townsend Lake Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

the pond


Kathleen Clay Edwards Libary

Winter Sunrise

Lake Sunrise, 2011

Saguaro in Stainless

I found some peace in the gardens today. #iphone4 #thewayiseethings #boggarden #greensboro

016 Samwise Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

Gillespie Park Golf Course

Bog Gardens Dr. Joe stream

Last Sunset of 2015 #landscape #sunset #newyearseve #newyearseve2015 #iphonography