Roll the Dice

1952 Oldsmobile

Train Station View

Just Be

Ice Cream Kisses, Like Summer, So Sweet.

Regine Chassagne

Regine Chassagne

hops haiku

Gretchen's Profile

Cheerleaders, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 1967

They All Glow At Night

Arcade Fire

Cheerleaders, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2005

Woodland Ground Beetle

Sit-in Movement (1960), North Carolina, Greensboro, Agricultural & Technical State University, "February One

Leaf-footed bug

Sarah Neufeld

Sit-in Movement (1960), North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, "February One"

Sarah Neufeld

Regine Chassagne

73 / 85 / 421 and 220

029 Morning at the pond Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

moon tree2 GSO, NC USA

010 Bare tree and fence Brown Summit, NC USA


008 Morning painting Greensboro, NC USA

003 Sun on the tree Brown Summit, NC USA

In Times Like These

016 Samwise Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

004 Townsend Lake Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA

055 Laurel Bluff Trail Greensboro, NC USA

009a Sun thru trees Laurel Bluff Trail Greensboro, NC USA

Exploring Reedy Fork Creek behind my house and found what looks like a sarcophagus from an old graveyard.

009a Daisies Townsend Trail Greensboro, NC USA May 2013

Guilford Woods

001a Dandelions at sunrise Brown Summit, NC USA

Lake Townsend Marina

Lauren Jones Worth

Greensboro NC 119

2006.12.14.07924 Sunrise Near Greensboro

Greensboro Urban Loop

Greensboro Urban Loop