Beijing - 北站

The Rain Stopped

In the temple

Happy New Year Everyone!

Vehicles have the right-of-way

Wenhua Hall

Night at the Opera


National Centre for the Performing Arts

the bird's nest

three towers and a plant

252-365 Project

at nan luo gu xiang

Beijing (view from the Park Hyatt Beijing)

Through a doorway

Lonely pagoda

View on Wanghai Tower

red skirt little blue shoes

as the dusk is swept away

Sunrise at the Wild Wall, Jiangkou . . After 2 hours sleep, we were up at 315am to get to the watchtower on the Great Wall for sunrise. Exhilarating views across the mountainous landscape.

Kunming Lake, Beijing, China

Verbotene Stadt

Green tunnel....

Temple of Heaven


Forbidden City 故宮

莫畏浮云遮望眼 守得云开见月圆

Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge), Summer Palace, Beijing, China

Temple of Heaven

#Sunset #Moat #CornerTower #ForbiddenCity #Beijing #China

Forbidden City, Beijing, China

Windy Island - Beijing, China


Tall Palace Bridge - Beijing, China

Jingshan Park

#Sunset #Moat #CornerTower #ForbiddenCity #Beijing #China


Things you can see from space?

The Hall of Supreme Harmony