Beijing - 北站

The Rain Stopped

Vehicles have the right-of-way

at nan luo gu xiang

Tiananmen Square closes at 5

Yellow Eyes

Beijing (view from the Park Hyatt Beijing)

View on Wanghai Tower

Yu Feng Pagoda

Through a doorway

Waiting for your kiss

323-365 Project

The spaceship has landed... [Beijing Opera House ("The Egg") - 国家大剧院]

The stick method

In the temple

Night at the Opera

Lonely pagoda

foot herbalists

red skirt little blue shoes

as the dusk is swept away

National Centre for the Performing Arts

Windy Island - Beijing, China

Tall Palace Bridge - Beijing, China

Into the Sunset ... (HDR)

Forbidden City, Beijing, China

Sunset in Summer Palace


Sunset at Qianmen (Explore #419 March 2nd, 2013)

Summer Palace



Beihai Park Peking(北海公园)

Green tunnel....

Prohibido Pasar

#dubble by @katrina1387 & @tiffanychanws @dubbleapp #dubbleapp

By iPhone4S 冬天的蓝天



