View from the lookout on Bald Mountain, Idaho

Her Royal Highness Princess Chloe

Sun Valley Winter Vista

Aerial view of a metal chain link fence with grass on each side.

Sun Valley Idaho

Autumn Trail Creek Vista

Watcher In The Woods

Jake Putnam and Jack Hemingway

Sun Valley

Little sagebrush and mountain big sagebrush steppe in the upper Big Wood River

office with a view

Sun Valley

My view right now #dwell @dwellmagazine

The Boulders

Nother picture from my view last night. It was gorgeous. #dwell #sunvalley you will notice the shower on the right. This is how I start and finish my day. Can you imagine showering and looking at this view?

Weidemeyer's Admiral (Limenitis weidemeyerii) On Horsemint (Agastache urticifolia)

View Up Easley Creek

Aspen Evening Easley - Paint

Boulder Mountains

Lorenzo's Escarpment

My view now. Sleeping outside again and enjoying the amazing sunsets. Good night. #sunvalley

Sawtooth Summer

Wood River Valley

Adams Gulch

Cathedral Pines, Idaho

Idaho Summers

Fly Fishing The Big Wood - Paint

On The Stream

Boulder Mountains in Spring

Tonight's #sunset in #SunValley #Idaho from @pocket.man roof.

Wood River Valley in Spring

Sawtooth National Forrest